
Editorial Policy

Papers received are sent for blind review to two reviewers. Acceptance of the papers is governed by the recommendations of the referees. Once the review process is completed, the chief editor recommends acceptance, revision, or rejection of the manuscript. Reviewers are asked to consider the following for every article published in the journal:

  1. Whether the article will be of value to a broad audience. The goal is to make all articles useful to specialists, scholars,teachers and students from urdu and other  allied subject. Reviewers are asked to make specific suggestions as to how the article can achieve this goal if revision is necessary.
  2. Whether the citations are representative of the published primary literature.
  3. Whether the abstract represents the whole article and is informative.
  4. Whether the article is well organized and easy to read.

Ethical Policy

The author has to furnish a certificate to the editor confirming that the article is an original work and that it has not been either published or is under consideration elsewhere. A researcher in languages usually relies heavily on the ideas, observations, and reports of others. Therefore, it is important for authors to exercise care in citing and quoting other publications. This precaution applies also to the use of the author’s own previous writing